Saturday, November 5, 2011

Occupy Marches on Big Banks

Remember remember the fifth of November... I know I will. November 5th 2011, also known as bank transfer day. A day calling on all people fed up with bogus charges and sick of their banks betting on wall street with important things like their mortgages could in an act of protest remove their money and instead open accounts with local not for profit credit unions. Much of the anger with occupy wall street is directed at the big for profit banks with their predatory loan practices, derivative trading, and too big to fail status.  The peoples underground joined occupy sacramento on their march to the big banks in our city. We marched on the banisters occupying outside the big banks wells fargo and bank of america. Wells fargo locked their doors and changed the hours on their sign as a large rally gathered strength outside their doors screaming slogans like “They got bailed out! We got sold out!” Here are some photos from the days events.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Leaked City Group Memo

It is common knowledge that in 2005 citygroup accidently leaked an internal memo to it's uber rich investors. The memo defines America as a plutonomy, which means rule by the rich. The memo doesn’t just mention it in passing but rather the memo clearly lays out and proves its claim that the individual American consumer doesn’t have any power to change the markets since the wealth is controlled by so few. Read the memo for yourself at the link below. Make copys, e-mail it, stand outside citygroup and hand it to their customers. Occupy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet

The rain wasn't enough to stop Beckley's Occupy wall street movement. They have been there outside a bank of America for days and it doesn't look like there going anytime soon :) Remember the civil rights movement started with just a few kids sitting in a diner. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X didn't come around till later.